Foundations for a Healthy Marriage
Because of the knowledge we have of eternal families, we know there is a much greater purpose to marriage than just having a companion that we fall in love with. Stephan F. Duncan and Sara S. McCarty Sazuhka gave six principles for couples that want to grow their eternal marriage to its potential. 1. Personal Commitment to the Marriage Covenant 2. Love and Friendship 3. Positive Interactions 4. Accepting Influence from Your Spouse 5. Solve Differences and Resolve Problems 6. Continue Your Courtship through the years. Some thoughts that I loved from these six principles is that a covenant marriage gives 100%. In a contract marriage, each couple gives 50/50. When each couple gives 100%, they are able to compensate for what the other lacks. An eternal marriage is based on personal dedication. This means you make sacrifices for the relationship, make personal goals based on the relationship, and honestly want the best welfare for your partner, not just yourself. Marriage is also...