
Women have critically important roles. The role of a mother may not be valued the way it should according to the world's standards, but the Lord knows just how important your work is. Modern ages have begun to value consumerism and individualism. Society sometimes looks at motherhood as a burden rather than a importance piece of work that is absolutely necessary.

"The calling of motherhood has been identified as the most ennobling endowment God could give His daughters. It is as divinely called and as eternally inits place as the priesthood itself."
    J Reuben Clark Jr.

"The World would state that a woman is in a form of servitude that does not allow her to develop her gifts and talents. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be further from the truth. Do not let the world define, denigrate, or limit your feelings of lifelong learning and the values of motherhood in the home. Motherhood is the ideal opportunity for lifelong learning. A mother’s learning grows as she nurtures the child in his/her developing years. They are both learning and maturing together at a remarkable pace. It’s exponential, not linear… In the process of rearing her children, a mother studies such topics as child development; nutrition; health care; physiology; psychology; nursing with medical research and care; and educational tutoring in many diverse fields such as math, science, geography, literature, English, and foreign languages. She develops gifts such as music, athletics, dance, and public speaking. The learning examples could continue endlessly."
Robert D Hales

I chose to put these quotes in this post because I felt they said it beautifully. As a mother myself, I understand the various labels that are put on a mother. Motherhood doesn't have a lot of prestige because you it doesn't require a bachelors degree, any experience, or any specific kind of person. Motherhood is special, though, because it can take any kind of woman and shape them into someone even better. Sometimes we need the reminder of the Lord's servants of just how important motherhood is. It is critical, it is essential, and it is sacred. Never undermine the role of a mother. It is something that always needs to be taken seriously.


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