Prepare Your Children for Successful Romantic Relationships

We all want our children to have successful romantic relationships as adults. How do we prepare them for that? One of the most important things to remember that before we even get into a relationship, it is crucial to be our best self. So we start by giving our children the tools they need to be the best version of themselves.

Take care of their mental health. Things like depression, anxiety, and immaturity have negative effects on a relationship. It would be wise to make sure your child's negative tendencies are being taken care of in an appropriate manner, such as therapy or medication, if necessary.

Teach them what really matters in a relationship. Physical attractiveness isn't even in the top five most important qualities people seek after in a long term relationship. Richard G. Scott lists some of the most important things to look for in a relationship as this "temple worthiness, someone with a deep love of the Lord and His commandments and a determination to live them. Kindly understanding, forgiving of others, willing to give of self with the desire to have a family crowned with beautiful children, and a commitment to teach them principles of truth in the home."

What is love? We must teach our children what really looks like.
Mature love lasting passion, desire for companionship, warm contentment, love is something you have to decide on a daily basis, and it creates an environment of growth and development. Don't be deceived by immature love which can manifest itself by being possessive, jealous, infatuated, "love is blind," selfish, lustful, and over dependent.
